About Me:
Kenyai O'Neal has being acting professionally for 5 years. Within this time, he has been on two different tours, worked professionally for multiple theaters in the state of Illinois and Texas, and has a film with White Razor Productions. He has two degrees: Associates of Arts from McLennan Community College and Bachelors of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre from Rockford University.
My dream to my reality...
My name is Kenyai O'Neal. It's pronounced Ken-ya-duh.(Yes. Yes, I know! Where is the "D"?) I was born and raised in Waco, Texas. That is where my never ending search for my purpose began. My journey starts with me being in a little after school program called Portraits. It taught me the importance of art and self-worth. After Portraits, I explored other avenues, but they really stuck like the opportunities I had in that little after school program. Fast forward to high school. I found myself helping out in my high school with scenic design. I worked back stage for two years and found myself being pulled into the stage. I took an opportunity to do Oliver. I waited a whole year before I took on another musical; Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Everyone wanted me to try out for the big stage production Paganini. So, I took a chance an auditioned. I booked it and we took Paganini by Don Negro to state. This was my first time doing a real stage play. I kept telling myself that this was just a coincidence even though everyone around me was saying otherwise.
I went on a two year journey to find myself. After my two year journey was over, I decided that I would return to school where I wanted to teach English as a second language. At school, I wanted to be a better singer and dancer. So, I decided to take voice and took a dance course. Working in voice opened an opportunity to perform with a group called Spotlight. That feeling of euphoric bliss I had when I was in High school returned. So, I started audition for every show McLennan Community College could over. I was thrown into Gilbert and Sullivan's The Sorcerer. After that, I was hooked and focused on one goal to be an actor. I studied at McLennan Community College. After I received my Associates of Arts, I pursued my Bachelors of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre at Rockford University. Rockford pushed me to go to professional auditions, taught me to create art, allowed me to work professionally during the school year and the during my summer vacations, and helped get out of my comfort zone. After graduation, I have been working nonstop for various companies in Chicago, and my passion is still alive as it was when I started this journey. My final words are take small leaps of faith, perform like its going to be your first and last time to perform, and walk in love because the world needs more kindhearted people.
Yours sincerely,
Kenyai O'Neal